Joy of All Who Sorrow

Monthly News Bulletin

News Bulletin Archive

All of our news bulletins to date, in PDF format:

This issue features: photograph and report about the installation of our new ikonostasis; details of a wedding and parishioner departures; more notes and jottings and our services schedule for September.

This issue features: news of the repainting of the outside of our church; a report on the Feast of the Holy Royal Martyrs in London as well as more notes and jottings and our service schedule for the month of August.

This issue features: a report on our pilgrimage to Iken; news of the delivery of more items from our wish list and update on the construction of our ikonostasis together with more notes and jottings and our service schedule for July.

This issue features: a report of our Holy Week, Pascha and first adult baptism; a report on celebrating the Patronal Feast in Walsingham, our service schedule for June as well as more notes and jottings.

This issue features: report on the funeral and 40days commemoration for Eftichia Chapman; news about the Diocesan Service of Unction and collection of a new antimins and chrism as well as more notes and jottings and our service schedule for May 2024.

This issue features: a report on the reception of two inquirers into the catechumenate; news of our AGM and election of a new starosta; details of the new parish poster as well as our services schedule for April.

This issue features: news on the feast of the Meeting of the Lord; notice of the forthcoming AGM; a final call for parishioners wanting Theophany house blessings; details of Lenten services as well as more notes and jottings and our services schedule for the month of March.

This issue features: a report on our Christmas and Theophany services; request for parishioners to invite Fr Mark to bless their homes; news of our new Instagram account as well as our services schedule for February.

This issue features: a Word from St Ephrem the Syrian; details of Christmas and Theophany Services as well as Theophany Holy Water house blessings; a report on the visit of Hieromonk Theodore (Stanway) from Jordanville; an update on progress of installing external lighting; a revised and final wish list; list of key dates for 2024; our service schedule for January as well as more notes and jottings.

This issue of the bulletin features a word from St John of Damascus; reports on our patronal feast and Founder's day; update on our ikonostasis project as well as our services schedule for December as well as more notes and jottings.

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Social media

Our latest Instagram photos are also available on the Instagram page on this site.