Joy of All Who Sorrow

Service Times

Regular services

Every day at 6pm: Prayers before the Ikon

At the end of this simple evening service, the names of all those who have asked for our prayers are commemorated in front of the Ikon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow. If you would like us to add your name or the names of your family or friends then please fill out our enquiry form giving just first names. 

Every Wednesday at 7.30pm: Moleben

Most Wednesdays we have a Moleben, or service of supplication, to a different saint followed by the reading of the life of the saint. After the service there is a further opportunity for confessions to be heard.

Every Saturday at 7.30pm: Vigil

Orthodox Tradition follows the understanding of the ancient blblical world where the new liturgical day begins at sunset. Each Saturday, on the eve of the day of Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, our evening service celebrates both the resurrection of our Lord and the feast or saint(s) of the coming day. Our normal pattern is to have Great Vespers, however, according to the liturgical season, sometimes this service may consist of Great Compline, Matins or the All Night Vigil. After the service there is an opportunity for confessions to be heard.

Every Sunday at 10.30am: Divine Liturgy

The Hours will be read at 10.10am followed by the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom or St Basil the Great at around 10.30am. Those wishing to receive Holy Communion should come early for Confession which normally starts at 10am or by appointement. After the service all are welcome for refreshments and fellowship in the house.

Monthly service schedule

Our monthly service schedule is also available in our latest news bulletin